Terms of Service

By registering on the website getfleshy.com or using the Service, the Client acknowledges that he/she/it has read, understood and agreed to the entirety of these Terms of Service. We strongly advise the Client to print and/or save a copy of the Terms of Service.

These Terms of Service may be amended from time to time. It is the Client’s responsibility to review these Terms of Service frequently and to remain informed of any changes implemented. The Client agrees that the continued use of the Service after such changes to the Terms of Services have been published will constitute the Client’s acceptance of such revised terms.

In this Agreement, words or phrases beginning with a capital letter shall have the following meanings: “Account” means the account of the Client after entering into the Agreement, which enables the Client to use the Service. “Agreement” means the agreement constituted by these Terms of Service, the Subscribed Plan, the Privacy policy and any potential subsequent amendments of those as well as any separate agreement entered into between us and the Client for the performance of the Service. “Client” means the individual or legal entity, professional only, with whom we entered this Agreement and whose name and address appear on the Account. All parties are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” or individually as a “Party”. “Website” means the getfleshy.com ecommerce application, as well as any related applications or products, developed and published by us.

“Personal Data ” means any information relating to a natural person who is or can be identified, directly or indirectly. “Content” means any data, whether personal or not, contained in the information processed through getfleshy.com by the User Processed Email sent by the Client to the Inbox(es) and processed through the getfleshy.com Solution. “Documentation” means all documents that may be viewed, printed, sent and/or downloaded in electronic form from the website getfleshy.com, describing the functionalities of the Service and the getfleshy.com Solution.

“Service ” means the grant of access to the getfleshy.com Solution by us and the use of the getfleshy.com Solution by the Client, whether through the website getfleshy.com, under the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement.

2. PURPOSE OF THE AGREEMENT The purpose of this Agreement is to set out the conditions under which we provide the Service to the Client, who accepts it, a non­exclusive and non­transferable right to use the getfleshy.com Solution. In exchange, the Client agrees to pay the contractual fee and to comply with all requirements set out in the Terms of Service.

3. SERVICE ­ DESCRIPTION, ACCESS AND AVAILABILITY 3.1. Description of the Service getfleshy.com Service offers the sale of products. The Service does not include ongoing maintenance. 3.2. Access The Client accesses the Service through his/her/its own and personal Account. The Client bears all liability as to the access and the use of the Account. 3.3. Availability and support The Service is available to the Client 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the term of the Agreement and within the limits set out in the Agreement. Support for the Services is only available in English, via email (support@getfleshy.com).

4. EMAIL DATA AND EMAIL CONTACTS 4.1. User Data All data you input into the Product, including info on your Clients will not be freely given to anyone. We do not, under any circumstances, sell either your Email Data or your Email Contacts’ Personal Data. Only authorized employees have access to view User Data. If someone originating from your account holder or someone contacted via getfleshy.com at the User’s discretion playing role of “Client” complains or contacts us, we might then contact that person. 4.2. Information Collection and Use by Us We are the sole owner of information collected on the Service (including any metadata). We collect information only as necessary to fulfill the purposes set forth in the Privacy Policy and we will only use this information as described in the Privacy Policy. We may combine any or all of this data with other information we collect about you. We may view, copy, and internally distribute content from your emails and account to provide customer support. 4.3. Data Collected for and by our Users As you use the Service, you may import into our system Personal Data of yourself or that of other individuals. We have no direct relationship with the third parties added to the Product or any person other than you, and for that reason, you are responsible for making sure you have the appropriate permission for us to collect and process information about those individuals.

5. PRICING & INVOICING 5.1. Pricing A specific pricing applies to any purchase on getfleshy.com, which is detailed on each product page. The pricing is exclusively in the expressed currency. All fees are exclusive of all taxes, levies, or duties imposed by taxing authorities, and the Client shall be responsible for payment of all such taxes, levies, or duties in its jurisdiction. 5.2. Payment and Invoicing All purchases must be paid, through our payment service providers PayPal and Stripe, for in full using a credit card, exclusively with one of the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express. The Client must enter valid credit card information. We shall automatically send the Client an email receipt for each payment.

6. MODIFICATION OF SERVICE AND PRICING We reserve the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service or product (or any part thereof) with or without notice at any time. Prices of all Services and products are subject to changes at any time. Such notice may be provided at any time by posting the changes on the website getfleshy.com or the Service itself. Such changes shall not apply for existing purchases, purchase orders or sale agreements and shall only apply for purchases entered after the modification of pricing.

7. TERMS The Agreement will be effective after the creation of an Account by the Client, and will remain in effect until its termination by either Party.

GRANTING AND UNDERTAKING We undertake to use all reasonable and human resources to provide the Service, subject to (i) the full payment by the Client of the contractual fees and (ii) interruptions, suspension or discontinuance of all or any portion of the Service due to maintenance, service disruption or failure external our out of our control.

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising under, out of or relating to the validity, interpretation and performance of the Agreement shall be referred to and finally determined by the competent courts of the Singapore and American law shall apply.